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Sunday, 10 June 2012

Cruelty to Ponies


Dear reader, this post is similar to the last one. It talks about animal cruelty done by ordinary people not in labs or circuses. This story is one that my friend told me:
Near her house is a field where ponies are kept. They live in terrible conditions. They are very skinny and can barely stand on their feet. They are also teit to a fence with something that cuts them. My friend tried to pet one of them and put up her hand, the horse was obviously preaviously beaten and was scared she was going to hit him, so it ran away. They are also kept in a run down house which could collapse any time.
She tried to help them by feeding them or letting them out of the house. She is also considering telling the police and I totally agree.
Remember, if you see animal cruelty don't just walk away but try to help.