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Monday, 20 June 2011


Most of you are probably living a very good life , but there are kids that are not as lucky. There are manny countries like Africa but today lets concentrate on it. (just because some places are poor does not mean that some African children have worse lifes than us),.
Malaria (child dies every 30 seconds)
water (there is a problem with water and somme people travel kilometres to get it)
food (some people just can't afford it)
and more...

 Things like washing, fresh food, education, doctors and homes bases for some luxure for others.

Maybe none of us would help if the situation was getting way better in a quick time but its not in some places its getting worse.

Using a relative measure of child poverty, an impoverished child growing up in a developing country suffers more hardship than most children living in poverty in a developed country. Poverty in these countries is a condition usually characterised by a severe deprivation of basic human needs (UN,1995). It is estimated that one third of all children in developing countries (~674 million) are living in poverty, the highest rates being in the rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia (over 70%). War, disease, corruption, lack of resources and harsh environmental conditions afflict many of these countries, contributing to their poverty. These factors are a major cause of death, which in turn leads to a higher number of single parents and orphaned children.

 Celebs that help 
Angelina Jolie
Mandy Moore 
Téa Leoni
Lucy Liu
Naomi Watts
Jessica Simpson
Brad Pitt

and manny more... 
 Ways to Help!!!
Do you want to be a helpful person and help the poor? This article will give you steps and ideas on how you can help make a difference in poor families life's. Helping the poor doesn't only refer to helping out homeless people but helping the low income families as well. You can use these tips below to teach your children how to be helpful around the holidays. Christmas time is coming and there are many families and homeless in need of the below items.


Things You'll Need


        Give Food

        Donate boxes of food that you no longer want. You can have food drives for the needy or physically take the food to the poor people that you would like to help. Some good choices of food to donate is canned foods, noodles, beans, and any other dried foods that will last a long time and don't need refrigerated.
        Give Blankets

        Give out blankets and sheets to the poor people. It is very sad to see a homeless person sleeping on the streets with no blankets. Helping them will make a big difference. You can also donate blankets and linens to thrift stores and good will.
        Give Clothes

        Rummage through your clothes and your children's old clothes and give them away. Donating clothes really does help the poor people. This will really make a difference to those in need of clothes. Winter clothes are really in need this time of year. Coats, scarfs, gloves and hats are also a great gift to give to the poor people.
        Toys, Money, Books

        Sort through your children's toys and donate them to the needy. Books of all types are also a recommended donation item to give to poor people. Giving charity such as money is a good thing to do if you have any to spare. Make sure you choose the right people or organization to donate to.

Read more: How to Help The Poor People |

Please help by donating money to


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